I learned about Women Rising at a hack night for Girl Develop It.  It is a place for women to connect with peers and mentors in the same industry and who have similar interests. Women Rising was originally developed in Detroit, but there has been interest in starting chapters in other areas now as well, such as Boulder, CO.  The problem is the code was written in a way to prevent this growth. After speaking with one for the main developers, she asked if I would like to be more involved, and I jumped at the chance to be a contributing member of this project and to help get Women Rising out to more women!

Upon my return to work the next day, I shared with my co-workers what I was doing and they all wanted to be involved. So Radial is partnering with Women Rising by contributing development to the project each month. The first thing on our agenda is changing the code so Women Rising can be used anywhere, not just in Detroit.


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